Starkey Hearing Research Laboratories (SHRC)

Date Range: Jan 2009 - Jul 2011

From Jan 2009 - Jul 2011, I occupied the role of Senior Developer on a research programming team for the development of hearing aids. I reported primarily to Kelly Fitz and Tao Zhang, but worked in tandem with Sridhar Kalluri, and Martin McKinney.

Much of the work involved rapid prototyping for research subject testing, including the development of bespoke software to analyze and extract meaning out of a collected pool of subjects’ data. So called “Golden Ear” specialists were invited in for our research to assist us. These experiences/preferences aided in forming a model we used to train a custom neural network, which listened to subjects’ preferences involving music perception as they related to expert ground truths.

SHRC Starkey

Tools were written in Matlab, Max/MSP/Jitter, Python


  • Develop and maintain software that subjects used for hearing-related experiments
  • Correlate data in findings and do further analysis
  • Report to SHRC team regarding updates and research goals